Starting 2/20/25, 7:30:00 pm: Jersey Boys

Institutional Sponsorships

Corporate or institutional sponsorships provide a vital source of financial support to Theatre Cedar Rapids. In return, show sponsors receive many significant marketing benefits and opportunities to showcase their support of the arts in this region.

There are many levels of sponsorship and ways to get your corporation, organization, or group of friends involved. Please contact development director Hanna Brewer at for available opportunities or to learn more.

Thank you to our generous 2022-2023 Sponsors! The contributions made by these organizations make it possible for TCR to fulfill our mission To captivate and inspire through the theatrical and performing arts.”

Grandon Charitable Foundation  |  The City of Cedar Rapids  |  Transamerica  |  Cedar Grove Fund  |  CRST  |  Lil’ Drug Store Products
National Endowment for the Arts  |  Iowa Arts Council
UFG Insurance  |  Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation  |  GreatAmerica Financial Services

  Collins Aerospace  |  The Linge Foundation
The McIntyre Foundation  |   CRBT  |  TrueNorth Companies  |  AARP Iowa  |  GreenState Credit Union
ImOn Communications  |  Modern Companies

US Bank  |  Paulson Electric Company  |  Rhode Family Foundation  |  McGrath Family of Dealerships  |  BankIowa
Giacoletto Foundation  |  HyVee  |  BerganKDV  |  Johnson Gas
RBC Wealth Management |  OPN Architects  |  Bankers Trust | ZenBusiness | Adobe Acrobat