Starting 2/7/25, 7:30:00 pm: Jersey Boys

Sign up to Usher

TCR uses a volunteer sign-up service called “Sign Up Genius” to open and track all front of house, ushering, merchandise sales, and parking attendant opportunities.

Sign Up Now!


  • Pre-Show Meeting Location: TCR (in Hedges Library)
  • Meeting Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes before the beginning of the show
  • Dress: Black or dark pants and a white shirt. Nametags and vests will be provided

On behalf of TCR, THANK YOU for volunteering. In exchange for your assistance the evening of the performance, you will be able to see the production at no charge. Although we try to hold some seats for volunteers, it is not always possible to do so; please come prepared to stand for extended lengths of time, sometimes in dark or dimly- lit areas.

Part of your important responsibility is to ensure the safety of our patrons; staying until the Auditorium or patron-occupied space is cleared is part of that responsibility. All details will be discussed at the pre-show meeting. If at anytime you need to cancel your commitment to volunteering, please do so via the online system. Thank you!

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