Starting 2/13/25, 7:30:00 pm: Jersey Boys

CAST LIST: Fuddy Meers

Theatre Cedar Rapids

Hey!  Fun auditions last night. You should all be proud of what you did. Especially if this was your first or second audition. It takes a lot of guts to do that. One thing to remember is that every time you audition for a show, you are not just auditioning for that show.  Even though someone didn’t cast you in this show, you may have created a space in a future show by your audition. We could have cast the show in about three or four different ways, but this is how it turned out. We’re very excited about the cast, and I hope to have the chance to work with everyone who auditioned at some point.

The first meeting will be Wednesday, April 11 beginning with measurements at 6:00 p.m. followed by orientation and first read-through. You will receive all of your materials at this time.

Please e-mail to accept your role by 5:00 p.m. today (Tuesday, April 10).


Claire – Kristen Wilcox

Gertie – Dawn Stephens

Heidi – Traci Rezabek

Richard – Duane Larson

Millet – Steve Worthington

Kenny – Max Locher

Limping Man – Jake Stigers