Starting 2/13/25, 7:30:00 pm: Jersey Boys

Meet the Madagascar Cast and Team

The TCR @ Brucemore Summer Series is sponsored by Transamerica and the Cedar Grove Signature Fund.

Creative Team

  • Director: Lisa Kelly
  • Music Director: Janelle Lauer
  • Choreographer: Megan Robinson
  • Scenic/Lighting Design: S. Benjamin Farrar
  • Costume Design: Angie Toomsen
  • Sound Design: Darin Ulmer


  • Alex: Christian Drollinger
  • Marty/Dancing Steak: Jon Turk
  • Gloria/Dancing Steak: Belle Canney
  • Melman/Dancing Steak: Christi Engelmann
  • King Julien/Zeke/Police Office/Ship’s Captain/Foosa: Jenub Wan
  • Maurice/Zelda/Mason/Old Lady/Animal Control/Foosa/Dance Captain: Madeline Nuss
  • Skipper/Lars Lemur/Server #4: Emily Bartels
  • Kowalski/Foosa Leader/Server #2: Vanessa Lund
  • Private/Mort/Server #1: Marlowe Hamilton
  • Rico/Reporter/Lynn Lemur/Server #3: Kelli Tosic

Production Team

  • Stage Manager: Kelly Shriver
  • Assistant Stage Manager: Andria Pic
  • Production Technical Director: Ben Lauer
  • Properties: Lisa Kelly, Kelly Shriver, CJ Mobberley
  • Associate Costume Designer: Jess Helberg
  • Carpenters: Jason “Blue” Herbert, Zach Begley, Chris Rich
  • Electrics Assistants: Tyler Salow, Chloe Cummings, Emily Arvidson
  • Scenic Artist/Master Painter – S. Benjamin Farrar
  • Volunteer Painter – John Soukup
  • Backstage Crew – Bryan Kisling, Molly Frost, Noel Steffen, Courtny Rocarek (sub)
  • Costume Crew – Deb Winter, Teagan Spratte, Amber Wieland
  • Costume Construction – Deanna Holtzman (mask design)
  • Banana Sponsor – Brad Bartels
  • Marketing: 
    • Marketing Design: Christina Kroemer
    • Promotional Photos: Studio Reserved
  • Production Management: Angie Toomsen, Lisa Kelly, Courtny Rocarek

Meet the Cast

Christian Drollinger (Alex) Christian is thrilled to be appearing on TCRs stage for the first time! You may have recently heard them on the keyboard (Mama Mia/Spongebob/Rock of Ages) on TCRs Mainstage. No stranger to theatre they’ve Music Directed with City Circle in Coralville. (Spelling Bee/Matilda/Peter and The Starcatcher), and ICCT. (YAGMCB) They’re grateful to Lisa, Kelly, Janelle, and the entire creative team and cast for their love and support, as well as their amazing family. Have fun, enjoy the show, and don’t forget to MOVE IT!


Jon Turk (Marty/Dancing Steak)

Jon is grateful to return to the stage at Brucemore, last appearing in Alice in Wonderland with Playtime Poppy. Jon most recently performed in Kinky Boots at TCR (Harry). Some favorite past roles at TCR also include Combeferre in Les Miserables and Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid. Jon would like to thank his friends and family for their support and the cast and crew for crack-a-lackin’ it!


Belle Canney (Gloria/Dancing Steak)





Christina Engelmann (Melman/Dancing Steak)

Christina is thrilled to be making her debut on the Brucemore stage. Previous shows include Cinderella, Kinky boots, Dance Nation, and SpongeBob at TCR. Christina wants to thank her friends and family for their support and hopes you enjoy the show!



Jenub Wan (King Julien/Zeke/Police Office/Ship’s Captain/Foosa)

Jenub is more than thrilled to be participating in his first Brucemore show this summer. He’s been involved in many shows at TCR; the most recent ones being The SpongeBob Musical, Cabaret, and Meet Me in St. Louis. He’d also like to thank his friends and family for their continued support, and hopes everyone forgets their cares on this wild adventure!


Madeline Nuss (Maurice/Zelda/Mason/Old Lady/Animal Control/Foosa/Dance Captain)

Madeline is thrilled to be making her Brucemore debut! Recently seen in Meet Me In St Louis and The SpongeBob Musical at TCR, she is excited to be working again with the amazing faculty. This fall, Madeline will be attending the University of Iowa to receive degrees in Theatre Arts and Vocal Performance with other concentrations in Dance and Spanish. She would like to thank her teachers and family for all of their help along the way. Enjoy the show!


Emily Bartels (Skipper/Lars Lemur/Server #4)

This marks Emily’s 5th show with TCR! She last performed in Oklahoma with Revival Theatre Company in 2019. Since then Emily has become a mommy to her sweet little boy, Harlan, who’s 1. She would like to send love to Cutler, Harlan, and her family for encouraging her to get back onstage.



Vanessa Lund (Kowalski/Foosa Leader/Server #2)

Vanessa is so excited to party in Madagascar this summer! You may have seen her last year on the TCR stage in Meet Me in St. Louis, or as Kate Murphey in Revival Theatre Company’s Titanic. After earning her degree in computer science from Mount Mercy University in 2022, Vanessa now works as an application developer. She would like to thank the cast and crew for making this experience so much fun!


Marlowe Hamilton (Private/Mort/Server #1)





Kelli Tosic (Rico/Reporter/Lynn Lemur/Server #3)

Kelli is ecstatic to be back working with Theatre Cedar Rapids in their first outdoor production at Brucemore. They were last seen in TCR’s Mamma Mia! (Ensemble) and will begin their fourth year at the University of Iowa this fall as a musical theatre major. Kelli would like to thank this delightful cast and crew for a wonderful experience.