Starting 2/13/25, 7:30:00 pm: Jersey Boys

Single Tickets for the 23-24 Season On Sale August 2, 2023

Christina Kroemer

At 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 2, single tickets go on sale to the public for all Theatre Cedar Rapids 2023-2024 season productions.

Book online now or call the TCR Box Office at 319-366-8591 Monday through Friday between 12-5 p.m. to order by phone. Call volumes are high during this time. Please leave a voice message and an associate will follow up as soon as possible to complete your order. You may also purchase tickets in person at the box office window at 102 3rd St SE, downtown Cedar Rapids.

These include:

  • Clue (Oct 12-29, 2023) Play/Comedy. Performed in the auditorium.
  • The Woman in Black (Oct 12-29, 2023) Play/Drama. Performed in the Grandon Studio.
  • The Wizard of Oz (Nov 17-Dec 17, 2023) Musical. Performed in the auditorium.
  • Something Rotten! (Feb 9-Mar 3, 2024) Musical/Comedy. Performed in the auditorium.
  • Fairview By Jackie Sibblies Drury (Mar 28-Apr 14, 2024) Play/Drama. Performed in the Grandon Studio.
  • School of Rock (May 3- 26, 2024) Musical. Performed in the auditorium.
  • In the Next Room (Or the Vibrator Play) By Sarah Ruhl (May 16-Jun 2, 2024) Play/Comedy. Performed in the Grandon Studio
  • To Be Announced (Jun 21-Jul 28, 2024) Blockbuster Musical. Performed in the auditorium.

Season subscriptions are also still available. TCR subscribers save 25% off tickets, get the benefit of no-fee ticket exchanges, discounted pricing on extra individual tickets throughout the year, and invitations to exclusive TCR events. 8-show (full season) and 5-show (auditorium only) subscriptions are available now. Learn more HERE.