We share the concern surrounding the current cold & flu season, including Influenza and COVID-19 (coronavirus). Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our employees, artists, volunteers, audiences, and community. TCR is heeding the direction of the Iowa Department of Public Health, and all performances are taking place as scheduled. Should performance schedules change, we will share those changes here on our website and notify the public accordingly.
TCR is your partner in safety during this uncertain time. Here’s what we are doing in the theatre with wellness in mind:
- New automatic hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the theatre.
- A heightened internal cleaning protocol is taking place, including the regular disinfecting of frequently-touched objects and surfaces.
- Large signage has been added throughout the theatre reminding guests to practice good hygiene, as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). These practices include washing hands with soap and water and/or alcohol-based hand sanitizer; covering cough/sneeze with a tissue or flexed elbow; containing germs by staying home when sick.
We encourage you to visit the Iowa Department of Public Health’s website for current information on matters relating to public health. TCR is hopeful that the coming days will offer more clarity into the nature and scope of this situation, and we are making every effort to stay informed and to provide the highest level of customer service, despite these extraordinary circumstances.
Now, just as ever, we appreciate your continued patronage and support. Thank you for making us your community theatre.