Starting 2/20/25, 7:30:00 pm: Jersey Boys

Cast List for this summer’s Brucemore Outdoor Children Theatre & TCR’s production of Sleeping Beauty

Theatre Cedar Rapids

Thank you to all who auditioned, you were a small but mighty bunch and Shelby and I were impressed!

Below is the cast list – please know that if you are not on it, you should keep auditioning.

Briar Rose – Amber Wieland

King – Jeremy Eble

Queen – Noemi Ford

Fairies – Cael Joens, DJ Kohl, Angelica Fink

Maleficent – Clare Dieter

Woodland Creature 1 – Zach Kelchen

Woodland Creature 2 – Jessica Abdoney

Prince Phillip – Charlie Vernon

Please email to accept your role.

Plan on a tentative first read through on June 26 in the evening, with more details to come.  Once everyone has accepted, I will put together a rehearsal schedule and get other information to you.